Tuesday 22 December 2009

The Girl...

Its been way too long since i have written a blog haha!! I am very sorry for people who actually read this. lol

I have had an awesome weekend, and I am very much looking forward to christmas!! I have wrapped all the presents and got a very cool present for Tomm, which i know for sure that he will absolutely love so i am so very excited to see his gorgeous face open it! Only 3 days until christmas huh..  i cant believe how quickly it has gone at all!!! Millie is very excited and is doing a Christmas Countdown, and is being extremely spoilt haha!

I have spent my weekend with my gorgeous boyfriend Tomm, a quiet friday, a blank saturday haha, and an awesome lazy sunday/monday playing Call of Duty:Modern Warfare2! On saturday night i went out with Tomm, went to a house party which was a bit quiet, was going to go home but ended up going out somehow, ahaha to the 2 pigs and drunk way too many cheap (£3) Double Vodka Cherryades (goes down just like cherryade doesnt even taste like vodka and is very deadly) Ended up seeing 3 amazing friends, Joe, Josh and Dave. Made a complete fool out of myself and definately dont remember much at all. Apart from being sick for a good 20 mins haha how embarassing!! If i dont remember it, it didnt happen haha.. Mel tried to tell me about it today but i'd rather not know haha!!!  

Fallen in love all over again with City and Colour, and Dallas Green. What an amazing guy!! Most talented man, and rather good looking too, he has a nice beard and tattoos, and definately an amazinggggg voice!! Incredible voice!!! Everybody should watch this video <3

I got my feet tattooeddddd :) they look amazing!! Thanks to No Regrets Glos!!

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Nativity Play!

So this morning I went to drop Millie off at school as I do everyday, and I was meant to be helping out, but the teacher told me that the last showing of the school nativity play and there wasn't any tickets left :( So i went to reception and asked whether i could stand at the back! They said they weren't sure if i could! I managed to get in eventually and bagged myself a front row seat!! WOO..  So my cute little daughter was dressed up as a twinkling star and looked absolutely fab!!

So this week has seemed to go pretty slowly, I think its because I have been missing Tomm lots, he has alot of coursework to do and exams next week so he has lots of revision to be doing, but hopefully i will get to see him this weekend! Fingers crossed!!  I spent some time with my friends 5 month old daughter yesterday, Debs txt me at 10am asking whether i could look after Baya! Turns out her boyfriend of 4 years has decided he can't cope anymore and has left them! :( 2 weeks before christmas. It has made me so angry, and now all i can worry about is how she is going to cope. As a lone parent myself i appreciate and understand exactly how hard it is, and I am going to help out as much as i can. I just feel very sorry for this poor little girl who is going to grow up without her daddy being around. :(

Yesterday i got a nice new phone! Its so good. Nokia 5530 Expressmusic, came with a 4g memory card, its a nice little pink and silver touchscreen phone, with wifi etc etc. I love it!!

I am getting bored of having normal colour hair again, i dont know what to do. I can never keep my hair blonde. I always go blonde, then red, then pink and do a cycle everytime, Blonde, then red, then pink! Haha.. I'd appreciate it if i could get some ideas?! so feel free to let me know!

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Tattoo Day!

soooooo i got a new tattoo today!!!
not anywhere near finished..

the top of the sleeve will have a city skyline silhouette, with a moon, and pollution clouds
and underneath will be like a river of toxic waste
eventually it will be about 3quarters long
SOOOOOOO happy with it <3

As usual my sister has to upset me!! Telling me its the most ridiculous thing ive ever done etc etc. but what does she know, shes boring, and prudish... so fuck her!!


Christmas shopping tomorrow!! Not really sure what to get but im sure i will find something when im in town :)

But the bad thing of my day today :( I miss Tomm lots :( He is back at uni in oxford so i have to miss him until saturday!! but heyyy its worth the wait :)

Love to everyone ♥

Eclipse Countdown <3 TEAM JACOB!!

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